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3 Ways Office Art Can Improve Your Company

If you've ever worked in an office with nothing but white walls everywhere you look, you probably remember feeling the dread that went along with that job. If your workplace is boring and uninspired, that's the exact type of work that will be produced. If there is creative office wall branding around the building, however, employees will produce higher quality work.

A survey done by the Business Committee for the Arts and the International Association for Professional Art Advisors found that office wall branding helps businesses address key challenges like reducing stress (78% agree), encouraging expression of opinions (77% agree), and increasing overall creativity (64% agree). Creative office wall murals, no matter how small or insignificant they may seem, actually promote creativity inside the workplace, which is an important aspect of any successful business.

Here are a few other advantages of having art inside the workplace.

Employees Will Feel Valued

If you're a business owner and you aren't focusing on improving your employees' time spent in the office, they will resent you for that and won't be as productive as a result. If you invest in office art, however, you'll show your employees that you actually value their presence and they'll feel like more than just a cog in the machine.

Better Communication

Because company art encourages the expression of opinions, employees will engage in more constructive conversation with each other. "We recently started exhibiting with a company whose main goal was to encourage employees to mix between floors," said Chloé Adams, director of Little Van Gogh. "We split the collections by six artists between six floors and immediately employees were doing the rounds to explore who had what and discussing the work. As our art changes every couple of months, over time the teams are genuinely getting to know one another much better."

Great First Impressions

Another major advantage of having art inside the workplace is to impress whoever steps foot inside your office. Whether it's a potential future employee, client, or corporate supervisor, as soon as they get a glance at your fine office wall branding art, they will be impressed.

Don't have a boring workplace. It's time to put up some great art pieces around the workplace. If you want to check out some great Dallas office art, or learn more about business car graphics and custom vehicle wraps, contact Rockwall Wraps today.


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