3 Misconceptions About Vehicle Wraps You Shouldn't Believe

We're used to seeing all kinds of advertisements when we're out on the road. From billboards to bumper stickers, we don't typically question these forms of marketing. But over the years, there's one kind of promotion that's gotten a bit of a bad rap (pun intended). While vinyl wraps for trucks and cars are extremely effective and easy to use, some people seem to be under the impression that they're too expensive or too limited for their business. These misconceptions are far from the truth, so we're setting the record straight on three of the most common myths pertaining to vinyl wraps for vehicles.
MYTH: Vehicle wraps will damage the paint on my car
Reality: In truth, wraps can actually help to protect your car's paint job! As long as the paint on your car is in good condition, vehicle wraps can prevent UV ray exposure, as well as dirt, rocks, and mud. You should always perform a pre-wrap inspection on your vehicle to make sure there's no pre-existing damage to the paint prior to putting on your vinyl wrap.
MYTH: Custom vehicle wraps can't be used on leased cars or trucks
Reality: It's actually very common to put car and truck wrap designs on leased vehicles. Again, because vinyl wraps for trucks and cars can be easily removed without damaging the paint job, there's no need to worry. However, it's still important to carefully read over your lease's details to ensure it's allowed. But because it's such a prevalent practice, you shouldn't assume you can't wrap your leased vehicle.
MYTH: Vinyl wraps for trucks and cars aren't worth the investment
Reality: If you break down your actual advertising costs, you'll find that you'll get a much better ROI with vehicle wraps than other types of marketing. Ads for TV, radio, and in the newspaper, along with pay-per-click advertising and direct mailers can add up. Vehicle wraps are a mere fraction of those costs but will make a much bigger, consistent impact. Of your target population, 61% spend more than one hour per day on the road; 33% spend more than two hours behind the wheel. With vehicle wraps, your investment allows you to make impressions time and time again, rather than paying for week of hit-or-miss ads in conventional media or mailers that people will throw away. Ultimately, vehicle wraps are well worth this low investment cost.
To find out more how vehicle branding can help your business succeed, contact Rockwall Wraps today!