4 Frequently Asked Questions Pertaining to Vinyl Car Wrapping

Owning a small business can be extremely rewarding but it can also lead to a lot of stress because so much is on the line. It's up to you to keep your company running as effectively as possible and do everything you can to continue to grow, improve your business, and compete with some much larger organizations. When it comes to advertising, it'll be nearly impossible to match dollar for dollar with some of these multi-million dollar companies, however, so you have to get a little creative and find alternative ways to advertise. Vinyl wrap advertising can be a great way to market your product, service, or company, and grow your brand. You'll be able to compete against these big budget corporations with vinyl car wrapping and you'll save a tremendous amount of money doing so. Here are some frequently asked questions about vehicle wrap advertising.
How effective are vehicle car wrapping advertisements? Even just one vehicle wrap can generate somewhere between 30,000 and 70,000 impressions on any given day.
How are vehicle advertisements able to target so many people? According to the Outdoor Advertising Association of America (OAAA), more than 95% of U.S. citizens are reached by media targeting both drivers and passengers inside vehicles. Because people are constantly driving to and from work, to run errands, and just cruising around town, a single car ad can drive all around and drivers and passengers will surely notice.
Why are these advertisements so memorable? Just after television advertisements, car wrap ads are viewed as the second most memorable form of media. People resonate with these ads because of the car wrap design and quality vinyl car graphics that are used.
How big has vehicle advertising become? Vinyl car wrapping advertising has continued to grow over the last few years and now is the second largest form of outdoor advertising in terms of dollars spent, representing 19% of the entire marketing industry.
If you want to grow your business, consider vehicle branding by working with a vinyl car wrapping advertising company. If you want to learn more about custom vehicle wraps you can use for your business, contact Rockwall Wraps today.