Meet The Team

Matt has worked with WG for about 3 years now. Been installing 6 years. He has a mind for detail. He is one of my color change installers. He is always looking and bringing new install tools to the shop. Always testing them and learning. It’s been a honor working with him for so many years.

Allen is fairly new to WG. He has been in the industry for about 10 years. Going on a year with WG. Not only can Allen install he is a scientist at breaking down cars and labeling the pieces. He breaks down all the color change vehicles for us. He is a veteran which is awsome to have a veteran here at WG. Look forward to many more years.

Matt Cheek came from the automotive industry working with high end cars. He has now been with WG a year 1/2 now. Attention to detail for sure. I definitely trust him to take our high end cars apart. So in the 15 years I have owned WG I haven't seen someone pick up how to install vinyl correctly in a short time. He for sure one of my color change guys. He work is flawless. I’m cant wait to work with someone like this for many years to come.

Micha is also from the automotive world. He has been with WG for a little over a year now. Installing graphics for 2 years. He has came a long ways since walking into WG. He is now getting his hands on more custom wraps. He is a learner and wants to learn. Another year he will be a really good installer. It will be really cool to see him develop into a full blown installer.

Drew has been wrapping cars for about 10 years. Drew has also completed his XPEL Installer Certification for WG. He has been doing our Paint Protection wraps for a year now at WG. What I like about Drew he’s not scared of learining new stuff. If Drew does’nt know how to do it, he will still say got you and figure it out. That goes a long ways. He is also one of my color change guys. I can put Drew on any project and I know it will be completed and correct. I’m proud to have Drew on the Team. I look forward to seeing where we take WG together.

Alex has been with WG for a little over a year now. He is one of my Pre-Production guys. He runs our laminators, XY cutters and plotters. Man I like this guy. Always smiling and happy no matter how much I throw at him in one day. He has been great for the team. I look forward to what him grow in the company.

Machaela has been with WG for over a year now. She has been in the industry for 5 years. Macheala walked in one day asked if we were hiring. It turned out we were just talking about hiring another person for printing and designing. Wow did we get lucky.. All I can say is Beast Mode. She runs all 4 of our printers, designs and helps in production when she can. She is the first one here and always stays busy. She is so talented and I am truly blessed to have her part of WG team. One of my top emplyees I have hired in the 16 years of WG. I look forward to many more years working with Machaela.

Mr. Wright is a salesman for WG. Kerry been in the printing industry since 1989. He just hit his 10 year mark at WG. Even know Kerry is a salesman you can’t just label him as that. This guy at times when needed will install decal packages, clean vehicles ect. to help out. He will get on the production tables to help the team catch up when needed. You just don’t see a lot of salesman getting there hands dirty. This man was raised to work. Kerry’s a workhouse. When I give him a client I 100% know they will be taken care of from start to finish. It’s been an honor as a younger man to work with Kerry. I have taken a lot of life lessons from this man. I am very blessed for the 10 years Kerry has given to WG. A conversation me and Kerry were having, he told me and I will never forget. Kerry told me you can fire my ass, but I’m still coming to work. I believe him. Pretty cool he likes working here that much. Kerry it’s really been an honor serving with a man of your expertise for the last 10 years.

Frankie is my preproduction manager. Frankie has stepped into a hard position at WG. I work with Frankie all day hitting him with rushes on top of WG load. This has to be a good relationship between Frankie and myself to produce the work load everyday. It’s been an honor working with someone so young with such a great attitude. I ask Frankie for something his response I got you and he always does. I ask him for something there it is ready to install. Never have to ask twice. Frankie’s another one I’m excited to see how far he goes in this industry. Truly a honor working with him in a hostile environment. No matter what he’s always smiling and having a great time.

Craig Jones is a graduate from the Art Institute of Dallas. Craig has worked for WG for 14 years. Craig worked beside me pretty much for 8 years straight. He now runs the Art Department. He’s a great designer, great in programs, and breaks down all the art for printing. You have heard the saying everyone replaceable well I feel Mr. Craig Jones is not. You can find good artist but one that can design, break files down, print, fix printers, multitask handle stacks of designs is hard to come by. Craig really has taken over my roll in the last 6 years so I can focus on making WG even better. Craig is not only a employee but family. It has been an honor serving the last 14 years with someone that cares as much as I do about WG. I’m looking forward to another 14 years serving with Craig.

Francisco has been with WG for 5 years. Francisco does mostly our fleet jobs. This guy can slam a Transit, Food Truck, Bus, walls Chevy 750, Diesels and anything else you put him on. This guy is a beast. I can’t even tell you the SFT Francisco has laid. If he could work 7 days a week he would. He’s always the first installer here and puts his head down and mows through whatever he is asked to install. He’s just a work horse and been a pleasure working with Francisco for the last 5 years. This guy gets better every day and I’m honored he loves to work at WG.

Coming January 3,2023.

Man where to start. Owner of Wrap Garage coming up on 16 years. What an amazing ride. Background graduate of the Art Institute of Dallas. Art has always been my passion. I knew after graduating high school I would make a living at drawing. I got in the vinyl business a couple years after graduating college. I worked for the number one Fastsigns and just fell in love with the industry. I wanted to learn everything about it from printing , production to installing graphics. I knew this is what I wanted to do the rest of my life. So after 5 years I opened Wrap Garage and haven’t looked back since. I’m still a kid in a candy store when designing wraps. I love using different vinyl to create cool effects no one has seen in the insustry. I print on material that 3M did’nt think was possible. I’m always thriving to put new and different effects on the road. Over the years I have built one of the biggest wrap shops with some of the most talented people in the industry I could find. Without these guys I’m only a artist with an idea. I get to come in every day and work with a team that has the passion I have. I’m just looking forward to see where WG goes. I honestly can look back one day and say I did what I wanted to do and got to work with some of the most talented guys in the industry. I feel like I’m just now getting started......
'If you love what you do, you will never work a day in your life'
Tim Cook

My dad was a photographer so I came from the graphics background. In 1996 I landed a job working at the Color Place in the finishing department. I worked my way up to a supervisor position and was sent to 3M in 2001 to take one of the first 3M certified installer classes. I ran the install and finishing department until 2005. Then moved on and worked at Gigantic Color. I ran their Wrap Division for three years. I patterned with Jeff at Rockwall Signs in 2008. We started in 800sf and we now have 15,000sf on 6 acres. Wrap Garage was developed in 2016 when we moved to our new facility under Rockwall Signs and Wraps, Inc. The business has far exceeded our expectations and now we have new goals to reach.